Thursday, April 30, 2009

Celebrating Student Writing

This went out on the various listservs today:
Please join us for a Celebration of Student Writing presented in two parts.

Part I: Celebrating First-Year Researchers (English 102 students)

Where? Rayburn Student Center / 2nd FloorTime: Wednesday, May 13, 2009, from 2:30-4:00pm

Information about this event is available at the above link, including video from previous celebrations.

Part II: Celebrating Writing with New Media (English 597 students--graduate level)

Where? Gee Library, First FloorWhen? Thursday, May 14, from 4:30 until 7:00

Sit down and enjoy some fabulous film created by our very own students, faculty, and staff (video poetry, comedy, documentary, memoir, activist projects, and so on)

Come join the fun!


  1. Before the end of the day today (4/29), I need:

    Your title
    Your abstract (as short as 15 words, as long as 100 or so)

    Something about the length of your presentation as planned

  2. You can leave all of the above here. Or email it to me.

    Thus far I have:

    Robin Anne Reid
    Literature and Languages
    Texas A&M University-Commerce
    Commerce, TX 75429

    Girls Having Fun: Creating My First Fan Vid

    (robin has included some html tags that have a great rhetorical purpose but that blogger wont' let me include here. they will be included in the program and future invitations to our celebration)

    My final project this term will be in the form of an extensive blog entry that makes use of my earlier posts in LiveJournal as well as material created especially for the blog. I have chosen to use my blog created for my poetry class because LJ has character limits (one of its few flaws!) that the blog program does not. My blog post will be titled: Girls Having Fun in honor of the Cyndi Lauper song which was my first inspiration (but which doesn't seem to be making its way into the final draft). The post will include:
    The final draft of the vid
    Why I selected "fan vid" as my project for this course
    Background information on the genre of fan vids
    Background information on fandom
    Background on the source texts and characters I use in my vid
    Drafts of my work at different stages, with information on my process of revising
    Plans for using writing with new media assignments in the sf core cluster and graduate course next year (where the assignment will be, basically, present an interpretation/re-mediation of an astronomically themed sf text in a new media form).

    Title: The Uninteresting Life of an English Nerd: The Mini-Series
    A collection of smaller videos, this creative project seeks to provide an autobiographical sketch of the creator in order shed light onto her personal life in order to reflect on her life, it's direction, and everything that comes with it. Today's presentation focuses on the project as a whole--it's origins, creating the videos, etc., as the culmination of a semester's worth of work in new media. It's funny and sometimes abstract, but a unique way to look at one's life.
    Angela Kennedy
    Graduate Assistant
    Texas A&M University-Commerce

    Joanna Thrift

    Title: To Be Invited to a Bridal Shower

    Time: 5 minutes 43 seconds

    It’s not always easy to get to a bridal shower on time with a present in hand. The film documents the journey a bridesmaid takes to get this task complete.
