Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Trailer for celebrations now available. 

Monday, May 11, 2009

Program updated, including way cool viewer available through Comic Life. Check it out at http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/CLiC/comic.html
or view the entire invite at

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Publicity: We Need Your Help

Trailers are up at http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/CLiC/clic-events.htm

If you sent me one and I didn't include it, let me know and I'll get it in.

Program: If I am missing your abstract and image, send it to me (Luca, Sylwester, and J'Non)

DVD of trailers to play at Wednesday's Celebration of Student Writing (http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/csw_invitation.html ).

If you'd like to have your trailer included in this DVD and haven't already gotten that to me, please get it to me by Monday. We'll be pulling that together Monday and Tuesday.

We'd love to have you join us Wednesday, as well. Celebration of Student Writing: Part I will be on Wednesday, May 13, from 2:30-4:00. Come on by our table and help drum up business for the next day's celebration in the library. YOUR celebration. The Celebration of Writing with New Media!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Phase I

Last week a general invitation went out to the campus on our various listservs. See "invitation" below," which linked to two pages: one for each part of this two-day celebration:

Part I: First-Ye
ar Researchers: http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/csw_invitation.html
Part II: Writing with New Media--http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/CLiC/clic-csw.htm

I'm following up with personal invitations to key administrators across campus.

Phase II
So I have developed a program for the event (using second life), which will be distributed across the campus Monday and also to key administrators.

As soon as I get your revision suggestions for the program (especially your abstract and title) and embed code for additional trailers, I'll add those to the invitation, now at http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/CLiC/clic-events.htm

I'd like that by the end of the day today, if possible. We can send those around Monday.

Phase III: Video Invitation

This is in progress. I'll share a little from the introduction. Get me images or footage you'd like for me to include.

I'd like to send this around the campus and to key administrators by very late Tuesday or very early Wednesday.

Here's a draft of the introduction, made with this VERY fun (and free!) program called xtranormal (xtranormal.com).

Or: http://www.xtranormal.com/watch?e=20090507160920538

Phase IV: Advertising Live (at the Celebration of Student Writing in the MRC the day before our 597 event)

On Wednesday, from 2:30 to 4:00, our CLiC team will be at a table promoting both CLiC and the upcoming Celebration of Writing with New Media.

They will also be taking interviews for the National Conversation on Writing. (www.ncow.org).

We'd like to share your trailers there, as well. So all the more reason to get them to us:

1. Upload them somewhere and embed them, so I can post them to the online invitation.
2. Give me a sharper copy we can bring onto a DVD and share at this event the day before our own.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting Ready for our Celebration (Week 15 Agenda)

1. Check out the event program and the CLiC events page for inaccuracies and missing items. I will make changes before sharing the CLiC events page with the campus. I hope to be able to share by Friday, so get those changes to me before the end of class today.

2. To http://faculty.tamu-commerce.edu/scarter/CLiC/clic-events.htm , I would like to add all your trailers. To make that happen, please either upload the video to YouTube or other video sharing site or give me a copy which I can then upload and add to the page. The only trailer I had to embed--already online--was Mindy's. I can also link to your blogs, if they are ready to share. Just let me know.

3. Dry run today! Be ready to share your projects. Let's keep the show as close to five minutes as possible, though it may run closer to 10. We have 13 projects to share, some of them very short and some quite a bit longer.
4. At some point during class today we'll have to fit in your evaluations. More on that soon.

csw program: page 1

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CSW program: Page 2

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CSW program: Page 3

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CSW program: Page 4

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CSW: Page 5

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CSW: Page 1

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Monday, May 4, 2009

The Machine is Us/ing Us: Dance Remix

And a MUST see: (also from Robin)

It’s an infinite loop of remixing!


another remix!

Something else fun from Robin---

“And now, because you secretly asked for it in your heart of hearts: a version of Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody as played by an old scanner, floppy drive and Atari and TI computers.”



Robin shares the following CFP. Think about it!



I've included below and provided a link to a call for manuscripts for
a special issue of Computers and Composition (scheduled as volume 27
issue 3, September 2010) on Copyright, Culture, Creativity, and the


Please do feel free to send questions to or run ideas by any of the
four of us guest editing the special issue. (Our contact info appears
below and in the call.)

Danielle Nicole DeVoss, Martine Courant Rife, Steve Westbrook, and John Logie



special issue of Computers and Composition, volume 27 issue 3, September 2010
Copyright, Culture, Creativity, and the Commons

In 1998, Computers and Composition and Kairos both published special
issues related to intellectual property. Much has changed in the 11
years since those special issues, including new legislation, proposed
legislation, and the rise and fall of file-sharing spaces like Napster
and Kazaa. Further, issues not addressed in the earlier special issue
require the attention of computers and writing scholars, including
global and international issues related to intellectual property,
feminist and ecofeminist research in intellectual property, and issues
of cultural cannibalism and intellectual commons. This special issue
will attend to these?and other?issues, with a particular focus on the
cultural consequences of our expanded sense of what counts as
?property? in digital spaces.

Questions we invite authors to consider and respond to include, but
are not limited to:

* Where are the significant intersections between intellectual
property and computers and composition? What intersections have thus
far remained invisible or buried?

* What significant changes have occurred in U.S. copyright law in the
past 15 years? In international copyright law, policies, and

* What global, international, or cross-cultural intellectual property
issues should we be attentive to?

* How might our understandings of ?the commons,? the concept of shared
or ?community-owned knowledge,? and the notion of ?cultural
appropriation? contribute to conversations on copyright and/or
intellectual property?

* What are some of the ways in which feminist/ecofeminist scholarship
in intellectual property, and understandings of sustainability can
inform or extend our approaches to intellectual property?

* What are some of the ways in which cultural rhetorics scholarship in
intellectual property can inform or extend our approaches to
intellectual property? For example, is there a connection between
racism and the commodification of culture via intellectual property
regimes? A connection with sexism? Where are the intersections between
discourses of race and/or gender and intellectual property-related

* Are there better vocabularies, terms, and theories for us to drawn
upon to situate and study ?intellectual property?? Is it possible to
recognize and/or attribute ?intellectual property? in places other
than formal legal regimes?

* How have intellectual property issues become more immediate with
regard to the continual growth of and use for digital writing spaces?
New media texts?

* In what ways can our long history of analyzing authorship and
ownership of texts, including our discussions on issues of plagiarism
and attribution, contribute to how we approach intellectual property
issues? In what was does this long history perhaps submerge issues we
might be discussing?

* In what ways can writing instructors and researchers enter into
public discussions about intellectual property?

The special issue will consist of: 1) a special issue editors?
introduction, which will provide some historical, legal, and
philosophical context; 2) approximately 6?7 articles addressing issues
of intellectual property, focusing on those issues that have arisen
since the 1998 special issues; and 3) a roundtable-style-discussion
piece capturing the interactions of key figures in intellectual
property scholarship within and beyond computers and writing (e.g.,
Jim Porter, Ty Herrington, Jessica Reyman, Jessica Litman, Kembrew
McLeod, Siva Vaidhyanathan, Rebecca Moore Howard, Vandana Shiva,
Johndan Johnson-Eilola, and Peter Yu).

Deadline for manuscripts: September 15, 2009 (response by November 15)
Deadline for final manuscripts: January 15, 2010

Please direct questions and email manuscripts to the special issue editors:

Martine Courant Rife
Lansing Community College

Steve Westbrook
California State University, Fullerton

D?nielle Nicole DeVoss
Michigan State University

John Logie
University of Minnesota

Martine Courant Rife, JD, PhD
Professor, Writing Program
Lansing Community College Communication Department
Arts & Sciences Building, 211G, 517/4839906
martinerife@gmail.com //AIM martine785