Get it from our crew at Gee Library
Regular CLiC hours, Tuesday-Thursday, 10-2
- Sylwester is there TWR, 10-2
- Luca is there W, 10-2, and R, 9-2
- Angela is available by appointment
If none of these hours will work for you, let us know what will. We are here for you!
You can get this help in one of two ways:
Drop by the CLiC space in Gee Library during the hours listed above
- (The best method is for you to make an appointment with us so we can better serve your specific needs, but we welcome drop bys as well. Sometimes those questions just come to you. Or perhaps you just want to come work in our space with us on hand to help if difficulties arise. We welcome that as well!)
Make an appointment. If you do your work on campus, we can even come to you. We prefer for you to work on the equipment you are most familiar with. If that's in your office and you are on campus, let us know and we'll set up a time to come to you. (Unfortunately we can't yet come to you if you aren't on campus. Not yet. ;0)
Shoot us an email at (that's "clic" the number 4 and the letter u)
When you do, tell us:
A. When you are available
B. What you'd like to work on (including any specific questions you may have)
C. What equipment you'll be working from (ie, will you be working from your own laptop or will you be bringing your media over to work with a tutor on one of our machines? are you working from a desktop in your campus office? or something else? Mac or PC? this info will help us prepare for your visit.